How Homeopathy Helps to Reverse Autism? An Expert Guide of Autism Whisperer Pierre Fontaine

Troy Walter
6 min readFeb 4, 2020


Is your child having the symptoms of autism disorder? Here in this article, I am sharing my recent conversation with the Autism Expert Pierre Fontaine, who has 27 years of rich experience treating autistic patients with classical homeopathy treatment. Read this carefully and know-how can you treat your child with 100% successful treatment.

“For almost thirty years I have been developing methods to reverse autism in a deep and meaningful manner. The first step to meaningful healing is for the child to recover spontaneous eye contact, spontaneous social interaction, and spontaneous speech. I simply called this the three-legged stool of autism, and when all three “legs” are active, that is when there is spontaneous eye contact, interaction and speech autism is basically defeated. I content though that this is the first step in healing autism. Upon reflection one can see that a lot patients who fall in the Aspie category of the spectrum often have spontaneous speech, at least some interaction and eye contact. So, what is amiss?

“Nothing” some would say. A large percentage of individuals diagnosed with Asperger’s see themselves as being boxed in by inaccurate neurotypical standards. Many point out to the higher I.Q. in Aspies and their ease of understanding the tech world as a clear indication that neurotypical is not all that it is cracked up to be. The widely spread list of “Famous people on the spectrum” with Einstein, Bill Gates, Mozart, Bill Belichick and many others appears to give credence to the argument except, for starters, that none of them were actually diagnosed! If every math guy and geek in a hoody is on the spectrum then we have to rethink what actually is autism. This popular view severely minimizes autism and endangers help needed most particularly in the aptitude of social interaction and emotional health. This article is for those who desire more healing, wish to have the ability to have deeper emotional connection with other and the world. It is for those who refuse to be limited by what conventional thoughts and ideas and who believe that greater health is possible. In that sense, properly practiced homeopathy, can remove the blocks impeding more meaningful development.

Emotional health can broadly be characterized by the understanding of other people’s as well as oneself feelings, needs and wants; be able to listen and hear the pleas, in short having sympathy. Without that having a relationship becomes extremely difficult if not impossible. We are not speaking of having an understanding of mental illness or making excuses for difficult personality but rather not being able to understand an average person’s feelings or being unfeeling. Asperger’s are commonly thought of as being unfeeling towards others but rather aloof. Very commonly an Aspie speaks repetitively about a single subject generally in terms of data which does not afford emotional interaction possibilities. In fact, the sheer repetition of tends to trigger frustrating feelings in others that lead to isolation. For example, I was invited to go see a rock band of kids on the spectrum. They played rather well but the dynamic on stage was more of four individuals rather than one band. Most unfortunately, beside not addressing the public at all, they mechanically strung one song after another so quickly and without pause, that the set became intolerable to listen to and most of the audience left. I felt terrible for them but at the end of their set they didn’t seem to notice or even mind the fact that hardly anyone was there.

Another example is a kid wanting to be in the company of others but then consistently sitting in a corner which comes across as weird to others. One can argue that a person on the spectrum then is a victim of prejudice and that may be true but the reality is: It attracts hurtful comments from other people. Right or wrong it is so and like it or not, it would actually to better to interact. That is one way by which we develop emotionally and intellectually. This is very important. Interacting creates experiences that make for richer lives. The absence of such skills leads to isolation most often with unexpressed yearning; no wonder alcohol and drug use is much higher in the community than the general public. Alcohol is a major social ice breaker, it removes inhibitions, in that sense it “addresses” the social issue. I remember a young adult on the spectrum explaining to me the effect of alcohol. She described it as creating more awareness of social cues. Under the influence of alcohol, she was able to notice settle facial expression she was tuned in without it. The net effect of it, helped her feel connected with people, a very different feeling from her isolation. And that leads me to the second PHASE OF REVERSING AUTISM.

The second Phase comes after the child has greatly improved, has become somewhat verbal, a little social, can sit in class and hardly needs an aid. To achieve this is wonderful especially when we start with little to no speech and socialization but on the other hand there are still deep seeded issues that clearly need to be resolved for him to be able to live a fully integrative life.

We must reach the deeper lawyer that removes the remnants of autism. We are speaking of being able to have true conversation with abilities to distinguish the subtulties of human body language, differences at times simple and other times much more difficult to pick up. This means that the way I see the betterment of a child is far from being able to sit in school or in front of an ABA therapist and repeat a couple of words or follow a simple command. That is far from healing.

Phase Two demands deep analysis from the homeopath into the child’s experience of his limitation. At first sight, it would seem as if this would be either impossible to achieve or too good to achieve. To understand why this can be accomplished one needs to understand the nature of homeopathy. I chose a homeopathic remedy upon the development blocks in a child and the expression or externalization of those blocks. Let’s say an 11 years old child on the spectrum who has greatly improved, always watches The Telitubbies. This type of show gives clues as to where the child actually is in his emotional development. The same child can be very good or even mature in his thinking process. That gives another clue as to his development. Then the same kid “modus operada” across the board might be very irritable when he does not get what he wants or when someone opposes him. That is another clue in the homeopathic analysis. Taking this further, he may really not like fruits at all but love to eat French fries, sausages, fatty food in general, that gives another quality about the child. Perhaps the child still has G.I tract issues in the form of constipation unless he does not get his daily mega dose of magnesium. Everything “speaks” and nothing is an accident, everything has meaning when it comes to choosing a homeopathic remedy. Grated this is a very different approach than the conventional one but it works. This is what we call the “totality” upon this simple example of totality a remedy can be chosen. This is the case in every case.

In Phase Two type of cases the choice of remedy is easier to make than when I start at the beginning of Phase One so the chances of releasing development blocks are much higher than in Phase One. The fact that well-chosen homeopathic remedies can let these blocks lose in Phase One really bodes well kids in Phase Two types of autism cases. These are often cases when parents call and say we have done a lot and he has improved a lot but still we can’t get this last part. The child is clearly not developing independence and still struggles in many ways.

As a parent you know there is still a significant problem, you want more healing and the solutions so far have had their short coming. We can get there from here, the solution is in the full release of these blocks rather than trying to circumvent them. The recognition of these two phases is very important as it gives perspective and more accuracy of the “landscape” of the child. Along with all the other breakthroughs of Phase One this is very good news.



Troy Walter
Troy Walter

Written by Troy Walter

Blogger and Entrepreneur since 2010. Helping startups and brands in lead generation . Write to me at

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