How to Tell If Your Child Has Autism In The Early Stages of Development

Troy Walter
3 min readNov 27, 2020

According to a report by the World Health Organization, one in 160 children has an autism spectrum disorder. At the same time, autism is very difficult to notice in an early child, and such a violation of the brain has a strong impact on the development of people in adolescence and adulthood.

Autism is a mental disorder characterized by the impaired social interaction of the child, difficulties in learning, communication, and perception of the external world. Scientists do not yet know the causes of autism, but the risks of this ailment increase if your next of kin have similar disorders.

People with autism require constant exercise, psychological training, and extra care throughout their lives. Unfortunately, it is not easy to diagnose autism in children at an early stage, and many parents learn about such features in the development of their children after a year or even several years from the moment of birth.

Of course, early detection of autism allows children with autism to be helped more quickly and to begin necessary exercises and procedures earlier.

Thomas Fraser, Ph.D., a clinical psychologist, and autism researcher, spoke in an interview with Parents on how to tell if your child has early autism.

Some doctors also suggest Homeopathy for Autism which can do wonders to fight with Autism.

Signs of Autism By Three Months

Despite the fact that, on average, experts diagnose autism in children in the second year of life, some parents manage to identify this disorder within a few months after the birth of a child.

The obvious signs of autism are the way children communicate: “Pay attention to whether the child is responding to social information and the environment. During the first year of life, babies begin to babble and use gestures such as direction, ”explains Dr. Fraser.

Signs of autism by three months after birth may be that babies are not watching their caregivers in their field of vision, not responding to loud sounds, or smiling.

In addition, children at this age must make any sounds, grab and hold various objects, and also show emotions towards new people and strangers.

Some Homeopathic Remedies for Autism can also be taken to help to decrease this dangerous disease.

Signs of Autism By Seven Months

As a rule, after six months, children can recognize their parents. Therefore, if the child does not react to you at all, this may be one of the signs of autism.

Also, children of this age often try to attract attention to themselves through loud laughter or screeching, and children with autistic disorders may constantly remain silent and not pay attention to anyone.

It is better to surround the child with lots of toys and new objects: children love to constantly grab onto unknown things. But, if by seven months your child does not interact with objects or chooses only one toy, you should contact a specialist.

Signs of Autism By Year

At this stage, it is easier to define autism: if during 12 months of life the child has not said a word, has not tried to make sounds, did not use gestures and did not move his head, did not point to objects or images — most likely, these are signs of childhood autism.

“We have evidence that early diagnosis of autism allows for faster initiation of activities to develop children and understand their behavior,” says Thomas Fraser.

Identifying autism spectrum disorders early in children allows professionals to more quickly identify the child’s needs and help him cope with the syndrome, or even mitigate some of the symptoms.

If parents learn about such features of the mental development of their children in the later stages, they may need speech therapy, constant psychological counseling, occupational therapy, and other methods of adapting people with mental disorders to society.

Consult Homeopathy Autism Recovery with Homeopath Doctor for Homeopathy treatment method for autism.



Troy Walter

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